How to care for your teeth to keep it healthy

Teeth are very important means of digestion in our bodies. So it should always be kept healthy. A healthy tooth is teeth clean with no holes and porous. So with a good dental care and will maintain regular oral hygiene.if any untreated cavities, immediately cleaned and patched. If it had been severely damaged, then it better be revoked

Food and drinks can damage teeth
Foods that are sweet like chocolate and sticky like lunkhead if not promptly brushed / mouthwash will be left behind and causing tooth decay. Also drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cigarettes can cause a thin layer on the tooth called the stain so that the color of the teeth become dull, brownish. Layer of stain that roughly plastered it easy leftover food and germs, which eventually form a plaque, if not properly cleaned and harden into tartar (calculus) and can spread to the roots of teeth. As a result, easy bleeding tooth, wobbly teeth simple and easy to date. Can also occur abscess or swelling on the tooth. Better after eating / drinking that has been mentioned earlier we rinse or brush your teeth.

A good way to treat teeth with regular brushing:
1. Election toothbrush - do not brush your hair too hard / soft / rare. End of the toothbrush and hair brush tip as close as possible, if not the end of the toothbrush is fixed to the back but got no hair brush your teeth, so there is the tooth that is not tersikat. It's usually on wisdom teeth.
2. Method / motion toothbrush - Vertical from the gums to the tip of the tooth. For the upper jaw from the top down. For the lower jaw upward. The outside, inside and chewing surface of teeth to be brushed thoroughly, do not be too hard, but steady. Gums should tersikat to soft food remnants in the neck missing teeth and also we are unconsciously doing massage (massage) on the gums, so that healthy gums, chewy and not easily bleed. And the longer we prevent the occurrence of tartar.
3. Frequency toothbrush - Twice a day, morning and night. The most important thing at night before bed. Of course you should brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride which can strengthen an email.

 Some things to consider in caring for your teeth
1. Toddlers - more attention should be brushing your teeth, if necessary, the child's mother had to brush your teeth. Eliminate bad habits like thumb sucking, etc..
2. Children aged 5-10 years - At the turn of the milk teeth, permanent teeth often examined what has grown. Perhaps the baby teeth have not rocking, if late revoked, so double teeth or uneven.
3. In adults, the discipline factor, heredity, race, nutrition and habits affect dental health.
4. When there are problems there are cavities and food into the hole, what can use a toothpick?
5. If any food into the tooth cavity must be very unpleasant, uncomfortable, sometimes sick. Remove with a clean toothpick, but after it came to the dentist to be treated and patched.
6. When a new person to pull a tooth if it could spread to other teeth?
7. If after extraction, the teeth are not replaced with dentures, the teeth on either side will shift towards the new teeth pulled, teeth become loose as a result, many food debris stuck in there, hard to clean, which ultimately rest- The food scraps will decay, causing bad breath and unpleasant mouth sour mood, a lot of germs that cause damage or holes in the tooth. So it's not contagious but can cause damage to other teeth.

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